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People who check their phone as soon as they wake up in the morning typically display these 8 traits, according to psychology

If you’re like me, and your phone is the first thing you reach for in the morning, you’re not alone.

This habit, though seemingly harmless, could reveal more about your personality than you think.

According to psychology, there are eight specific traits commonly found in those of us who instinctively grab our smartphones upon waking.

Some of these might surprise you, as they did me.

This habit isn’t necessarily a conscious decision, but rather an automatic action that’s become a part of our daily routine.
Understanding what these traits say about us can be intriguing and insightful:

1) High need for connectivity
If you’re the type to check your phone first thing in the morning, one trait you’re likely to display is a high need for connectivity.

This doesn’t just mean you crave internet access; it’s more about maintaining your social connections.

This need can be so intense that it compels you to start your day with a quick scan of messages, emails, and social media updates.

It’s like a morning coffee for some – a way to kickstart the day.

Psychology suggests that this trait could also hint at an underlying fear of missing out (FOMO).

This fear can drive us to constantly check our phones in an attempt to stay ‘in the loop’.

2) Greater levels of productivity
You might think that starting your day by checking your phone can steer you to procrastination, but interestingly, it can be a sign of someone who is highly productive.

For some, the morning phone check serves as a preliminary overview of the day’s tasks.

They skim through emails, updates, and reminders, mentally organizing their to-do list.

The early morning scan could act as a springboard into work mode, helping them dive straight into their tasks once they’re officially in their workspace.

However, while this trait can indicate productivity, it’s essential to strike a balance.

Constantly being ‘on’ and available can lead to burnout and decreased productivity in the long run.

Make sure it doesn’t morph into an all-day affair that impedes your ability to detach and relax.

3) Tendency towards impulsivity
Impulsivity is another trait often shared by individuals who check their phones immediately after waking up.

This habit is linked to a need for immediate gratification, a behavior commonly associated with impulsiveness and, let’s be honest, that’s exactly how social media is designed.

In the digital age, our smartphones serve as a hub for instant gratification.

Whether it’s receiving a message, getting likes on a post, or reading an exciting news update—all these activities send dopamine, the brain’s feel-good chemical, coursing through our system.

This quick dopamine hit can be irresistible, leading many to develop the habit of checking their phones first thing in the morning.

4) Sensitivity to external affirmation

If your day begins by scanning your phone, it might indicate a sensitivity to external affirmation.

This trait isn’t a flaw, but rather a part of human nature.

We all value recognition and approval to some degree, and in today’s digital age, this often comes in the form of likes, comments, and shares.

Receiving positive feedback on social media can provide a sense of validation and make us feel seen and valued.

However, it’s important to remember that while it’s perfectly okay to enjoy this interaction, our self-worth isn’t tied to digital approval.

However, it’s important to remember that while it’s perfectly okay to enjoy this interaction, our self-worth isn’t tied to digital approval.

5) Inclination towards multitasking
If you’re hitting the snooze button with one hand and scrolling through your phone with the other, you might be a natural multitasker.

Juggling multiple tasks at once has become the norm in our fast-paced world.

Your morning phone check might be sandwiched between sips of coffee, bites of breakfast, and getting ready for the day ahead.

It could be your way of maximizing time and efficiency.

Now, we’ve all heard that multitasking is a myth and it’s better to focus on one task at a time.

But let’s face it, who amongst us doesn’t have multiple tabs open on our computer or toggles between different apps on our phone?

While it’s not bad to multitask, it’s good to remember that sometimes giving our undivided attention to one task can lead to better results.

6) Strong sense of responsibility
Picture this: you’re part of a team working on a crucial project, and you’ve taken it upon yourself to ensure everything runs smoothly.

You wake up and instantly reach for your phone, checking for any updates or potential issues that popped up overnight.

This habit of checking your phone first thing in the morning might be a sign of a strong sense of responsibility.

You want to make sure you’re on top of things, ready to tackle any challenges that might come your way. It’s about being proactive, not reactive.

7) Dependence on digital devices
Reaching for your phone first thing in the morning could be a sign of dependence on digital devices.
It’s a hard pill to swallow, but let’s face it, our phones have become extensions of ourselves.

The habit of checking your phone as soon as you wake up might mean that you feel incomplete without it.

It becomes a crutch that you lean on throughout the day, from the moment you open your eyes until you close them again at night.

While our smartphones offer convenience, entertainment, and connection, there’s a whole world outside of that screen.

Next time you wake up, try to resist the urge to immediately grab your phone.

Instead, take a few moments to breathe and appreciate the new day before diving into the digital world.
Trust me, those emails and notifications can wait.

8) Need for control
If your day begins with a phone check, it could signal a need for control.

You want to be prepared, to know what’s coming, to have a grip on the day’s events before they unfold.

But here’s the thing: life is unpredictable.

No amount of morning phone checks will change that.

Sure, it’s good to stay informed and organized.

But it’s also important to accept that we can’t control everything.

Some things will catch us off guard, some emails will arrive unexpectedly, and some tweets will drop when we’re offline.

Let life surprise you every now and then.

It’s in these unplanned moments that we often find the most joy and growth.

Instead of trying to control everything, focus on controlling your reaction to what life throws at you.

That’s the real power!

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