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It is 31 years of the twist of fate. The historic June 12, 1993 president election annulment is till fresh in our memory. The annulment has remained a murdered opportunity to set Nigeria on the right track for all encompassing development. Though the annulment is an albatross on the state and nonstate actors, it is denied Nigerians and Nigeria the government that would have ensured prosperity and life more abundant for all. May God rest the soul of the symbol of our democracy, Basorun MKO Abiola. 
It is unfortunate that MKO’s manifestoes which are provision of basic amenities and mass prosperity are still elusive 31 years after. Besides, the lessons and gains of the June 12 appeared to be missing at the corridor of power at all levels, making the government to persistently take Nigerians for granted. Nigeria’s rulers across the divide appear to “have learned nothing and forgotten everything.” Unfortunately, continuous decades of bad governance by unpatriotic and self-centred elite, military and civilian leadership that cut across all tribes and religions, produced exploitation, oppression; poverty, misery, injustice, hopelessness, insecurity, banditry and violent death as majorly being experienced by the common masses all over the country! 

Currently, Nigerians are going through worsening economic hardship that is creating more poverty and penury. The administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, through its World Bank and IMF teleguided economic policies have continued to unleash hardship on Nigerians. The removal of subsidy, increment in electricity tariff and devaluation of Naira have cast a shadow over the economic stability of Nigeria; and this is hampering productivity and killing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, taking away the purchasing power of the Nigerian people, creating hunger, starvation and skyrocketing foodstuffs  and essential commodities prices, among other woes. The worse of the agonies is the ongoing food crisis where staple foods have been priced out of the reach of the common people.

It is now clear that no political party or political actor of even the best substance can deliver any change, so long as the erroneous warped system remains in place. It has gone beyond the issue of personal integrity or sincerity of good intention or EMILOKAN mantra. Our present system is corrupt and our institutions are weak.
We are using this June 12 occasion to called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to get descend from the ladder of the World Bank, IMF and other international institutions influencing his government. Mr President, please save the country and Nigerians from the unleashed hunger and poverty. 

We demand an egalitarian society, where equity, fairness and prosperity for all is guaranteed.

Ebi n pawa o!

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