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Osun Ministry of Education Gives Directive to Schools on New National Anthem... ..urge them to ensure compliance...

Osun State Ministry of Education has ordered both public and private schools across the State to comply with singing the new National Anthem as approved by the National Assembly.

According to a statement signed by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Mr Murtala Jimoh, all schools in Osun State should ensure that it is the new Anthem they sing during their morning assemblies.
The Permanent Secretary through the statement urged all heads of schools in both private and public schools to ensure their pupils/students learn the new Anthem and begin to sing it henceforth.

The statement reads in part, "The Federal Government recently approved a new National Anthem for the country, it is therefore pertinent for schools across Osun State to comply with this directive. 

"As a result, all heads of schools in both public and private schools should ensure compliance in their various schools.

"It is expected that it is the new Anthem that should be rendered during their various morning assemblies and this should be done as a matter of duty".

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