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International Day For Elderly: Caring Hands Int'l Celebrates The Aged, Holds Health Talk, Medical Check-up ... Advocates To Govt And Stakeholders To Support The Old Persons

By Sola Soremekun, 

In Commemoration of International Day for Older Persons, Caring Hands International celebrated the day with aged persons in Osun state, as it sensitizes them with health talk and conducted medical check-up.

This is as the non-governmental organization also advocated to the government and stakeholders to support the old people in the society by giving them access to free medical services and other necessary provisions that will make their livelihood easy in old age.

This was disclosed in the address by the Executive Director of Caring Hands International, Mrs Tola Obilomo who stated that the organization is celebrating older persons because of their past contributions and commitments in building our Nation in their youthful years.

She added that, now is the time to give back to the old ones who are now frail and need supports, she used the medium to ask the Government to look into the affairs of Osun State Older persons and give them an enabling environment, a better place to live in.

Mrs Obilomo emphasized that this can be achieved by doing necessary things such as prompt payment of pensions and gratuities, provision of palliatives and access to quality healthcare services, among others.

In her discussion on "challenges on access to good health care by the older persons", at the program which held in Osun state, the Executive Director  urged the elderly persons to do their best in enjoying old age, avoid abuse of drugs, pay regular visits to their physicians, and comply with Doctors prescription.

She also counseled them to do away with grudges, avoid hatred, eat healthy, drink lots of water, take a lot of greens, eat fruits, not to joke with their health, as well as accept aging as a normal process, and live each day as they come.

She added that regular exercise, less stress and adequate rest is needed by the elderly, and she opined on the need to bring them out of poverty, marginalization, neglect and loneliness suffered both at the home front, the community and the government. 

Also, in his health talk on heart attack, a medical consultant for Caring Hands International, Dr Ayotunde Adesina described the heart as an important component together with the brain and the kidneys, stressed that lack of blood circulation to this part of the body is what triggers heart attack.

He sensitized the elderly on postures and activities needed to avoid having heart attack, stated that inactivity is dangerous for the aged persons, and he urged to imbibe the culture of healthy diet, added that any casualty of heart attack should be laid flat on surfaces before first aid treatment is applied, followed by onward movement to the nearest health facility. 

As part of the celebration of the older persons in Osun state, the old people held activities such as Indoor games, and Medical check up: wight measurements, high blood pressure testing, among others.

Caring Hands International is a non-governmental organization, a member of National COSROPIN (Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons in Nigeria), it has the vision of fighting for the rights of Older persons which cuts across all age groups with special focus on promoting the welfare and well-being of older persons in Osun State. It has been in existence since 2006 with different programs towards ensuring good quality of life in old age. 

It should be noted that the International Day for Older persons normally comes up on 1st October of every year but Nigeria has adopted 7th October as National Day for Older persons since the internationally adopted day falls on the country's Independence day.

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