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ACOMIN takes Advocacy to Osun CSDA, PHCDB on Personnel, Intervention on Health facilities

By Abisola Ariwodola

Accountability of Civil Society on Malaria Control, Immunization and Nutrition (ACOMIN) has advocated for availability of personnel and intervention on health facilities in Osun state.

This was disclosed by the ACOMIN State Advocacy Team (SAT) at the courtesy call paid to the General Manager, Community and Social Development Agency CSDA, Mrs Funmi Abokede in Osogbo, Osun state capital.

In his remarks, the Osun ACOMIN Chairman Ambassador Aremu Stephen Akinyele stated that the objective of the meeting was to follow up on the revitalization of Iponda PHC in Obokun LGA, as well as the rehabilitation of oke bode PHC in Iwo, and availability of water supply at fapo PHC, also in Iwo local government.

He added that the intervention is needed to safe the lives of people, particularly children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers, stressed that with the rainy season, mosquito bites will be unavoidable, that having health facility to provide treatment will forestall malaria.

In her response, the CSDA General Manager, Mrs Funmi Abokede appreciated ACOMIN for being health concerned about the people of the state, and she promised to set the ball rolling by including the aforementioned Communities on the next phase of their grants once they meet their target.

Similarly the focal person for Basic healthcare provisions funds at the State Primary Healthcare Development Board, Dr. Akintayo stated that the government has plans to repair the facilities as well as ensure availability of personnel.

While stating that with the recent appointment of cabinet members in the government of Governor Ademola Adeleke, necessary decisions that will promote healthcare delivery will be embarked upon by the board.

Also, the state Program Officer SPO, Mr David Amoto listed the facilities that needs urgent intervention that would boost health service delivery for the people.

He added that the advocacy is to call the attention of relevant stakeholders on healthcare service delivery issues, particularly on elimination of malaria through adequate treatment at the facilities in the state.

At the advocacy visit were Civil Society Organizations monitoring some of the facilities in the selected ACOMIN local governments in the state.

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