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By Femi Mode Siyanbola

The G 21 (Osun Network), the versatile political group in Osun that professes equality in the welfare of Political gladiators, leaders, and followers in Nigeria's nascent democracy has inaugurated once again a huge number of Osogbo Local government grassroots volunteer members on this auspicious occasion. This has been a continuous exercise over time as the inauguration of some other members across  various wards in some of the Osun Local Government's grassroots bases have been done

However,  It was an event that will be remembered for a long time considering the euphoria that permeated the atmosphere of the locality when the new volunteer grassroots members disembarked from the bus that conveyed them to the venue of the occasion at Ola Oni Centre, Gbodofon, Osogbo. The group exco had earlier waited patiently for their arrival at 10: 00 am when they were received by the President of the group. Hon. Yussuf Tajudeen, (Pablo) at the foyer of the Centre. The other exco members around the premises too joyously received the new APC Osogbo Local Government progressive politicians whose action and conviction have already resuscitated the once bubbling grassroots that were bastardized out of shenanigans by the successor of the APC progressive Governor who governed Osun between 2010 and 2018 and who had also established the grassroots structure.

G 21 believes in the grassroots political structure through which any party will be able to ascertain their confidence in winning any forthcoming election. They have vowed that if it has been the act of God that the people to whom they have entrusted the baton of governance have fluffed all chances and opportunities by throwing away the mandate, it will be expedient in the nick of time to put their ass together and take the baton back from the opposition through the re-enactment of grassroots membership
When the meeting started properly after the Muslim prayer,  and the keynote address by the Secretary, Hon. Lawal Adebowale, the President of the group Yussuf Tajudeen (Pablo) while paying tribute to some founding members of G 21 people and addressing the crowd, drew an allusion to Prophet Mohammad (SAW) in the Quran concerning the issue of "the forbidden Pork that was outlawed to be eaten by Muslims but he said if a Muslim should found nothing to eat in a strange land to survive, he has no choice than to eat the pork". He said it was the case of those who have shifted base from one faction of the APC to the other who quickly retraced their step. He said they were all welcome to the fold. 

He also delved into the popularity of Ogbeni in comparison to his successor when so many groups were endorsing him for a second term during his campaign period then. He also divulged the controversy that transpired before Aregbesola's successor was picked as APC gubernatorial aspirant, before the mode of primary that was prescribed to favor the successor, and how the election money was gotten and spent to ensure the victory of the successor at the poll. He said at the end of all scenarios, money did not help the loss of the successor in the first term and the second term election. This is to corroborate William Shakespeare's sound bite in (The Twelve Nights) which says "Some are born great,  some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them". 

The aggregate of all other things said by the President was to admonish the congregants that if they remain steadfast and upright in their struggle, the baton of the mandate will be wrestled once again from the opposition and given back to the APC. 
He said the era of speculation has gone, and any information they will like to divulge should emanate from the same page, from the same group, to be able to defend their leaders and group in the nearest future with authentic information

Apart from the President who spoke extensively, the members of the exco and some of the newly inducted members especially Alfa Akanmu Taiwo from a word in the Osogbo Local Government also spoke interactively that the APC faction deliberately planted Ogbeni's hatred in their mind to forget about him but when they considered the foundation of the massive infrastructure he laid down for continuity, they had to say no to the mischievous people. It was after this interactive session the mandate song was rendered to inaugurate the members, There was a great injection of intermittent political songs which lasted till the close of the day. 
After the mandate song session, a motion was moved for the adjournment by one of the Osogbo Local Government grassroots member inductees as Comrade Femi Taiwo a G 21 Christian rendered the closing prayer. 

A closed-door meeting will later be held by the exco after the Ramadan holiday to pick the next Local government grassroots members that G 21 will be inaugurating, thus paving the way for the continuous exercise 
Photo: Mutiu Anifowose

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