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SRJ's Outspokeness: Pride or Sincerity?

SRJ's Outspokeness: Pride or Sincerity?

By Abisola Ariwodola
Anyone listening to SRJ talk for the first time will wonder, what kind of outspoken man is this?

He is such that talks with no holds barred, he gives accurate description of whatever he is talking about and he backs it with facts and figures.

Senator Surajudeen Ajibola Basiru also displays his passion at giving a clear synopsis on any subject matter.

Not only that, his words most time do comes with reaction from those who listened to him, which could be positive or negative.

While some see his words as an eye opener and takes it with understanding, others takes his word as insult and call him names.

But the truth is, Senator Dr Surajudeen Ajibola Basiru is a sincere man, who speaks from his heart. He doesn't pretend about his feelings.

He doesn't lie about his opinion, unlike other politicians who lies to get peoples attention.

As an Osogbo man, his trait is synonymous with who he is, as he is a rare breed who believes in people and will go out of his way to support anyone who calls his attention.  

Anyone familiar with Osogbo born indigenes will understand their peculiarity in being sincere and standing up for what they believe in.

From SRJs background history, the tenacity and determination to survive, despite what the society threw at him, became his carriage which most people who have contrary view about him describe as pride.

A close look at the name-callers of Dr Surajudeen Ajibola Basiru shows that they are liars who wanted to cheat his people, hence trying to get him to dance to their tune, calling him names, saying he is prideful because he disagrees with their dubious nature.
Truly, he is quick tempered, but he has a good heart, because when you think of his words and reaction, you will see that he was right. This trait is synonymous with kind hearted people who doesn't know how to pretend or lie about what you throw at them.

Many people misjudge him due to his way of walking, have heard people saying, “Can't you see the way he his walking, from his steps, we can sense arrogance?

Third party description of him particularly from people who doesn't like his sincerity is another thing that brings attention on him, and investigating the cause shows sincerity on the part of SRJ but misunderstanding from those who weren't patient enough to get the true fact about what they want from him.
Why is SRJ being misunderstood by people because of his gait and the way he walks, why do people misunderstand him with the way he relates based on third-party description of him, it's because they don't understand his kind of person, thats why they judge him with his outlook.

Ironically, we all have someone like SRJ in our various family.

For sure, Senator Basiru is a brilliant man who will give one indepth opinion about any issue, and being someone who is academically sound people misjudge him because of his brilliancy, but thinking about it, is there anything wrong in being brilliant? 

Just like everyone of us, Ajibola Basiru is a human being and he tends to forget things, so it should be understandable that he forgot about things he ought to remember which we brought to his attention.

Close contact with Senator Basiru reveals him as someone who is down to hearth, he is free-minded with everyone despite his status.
Don't be surprised at seeing him grace people's program, it is a norm that you can't take from him, once you invite him and as long as he's available, he will show up at the event or send representatives.

Meeting him for the first time, without him introducing himself, you may not know that he is a senator.

From stratas in Osun, there are testimonies about who Senator Ajibola Basiru is, as a family man, a father, helper, builder, model and a lover of God; yes he is religious.

His acquaintances respect him for his candour and unrivalled opinion on issues, his straight-forwardness, his humor: whenever he choose to joke and his sense of lifestyle, his belief for good education and provision of facilities, helping people among others.
One thing is certain, Osogbo township, Osun Central and Osun state as a whole are lucky for such a product of Dr Ajibola Basiru.

Intellectually and Politically he is a worthy Ambassador, who has good intentions for Osun and he will not renege on his word.

Senator Surajudeen Ajibola Basiru believes in Osogbo people, he believes in Osun Central and Osun state at large, his accessibility by all is a testament to this.

As a youth lover, who believes the youths are the future, he have success story on empowerment of youths and others.

His attributes, evident to everyone in his constituents manifested in their votes for him to emerge as the Senator representing Osun Central.

Senator Dr Surajudeen Ajibola Basiru have made his intention known and campaigned about returning to the Senate again to represent the good people of Osun Central, he delivered and represented well in his first tenure and with his kind of person, he will also deliver well and make all proud in his second tenure as we support him with votes in the forthcoming election.

Anyone who understands the political terrain of Osun and Nigeria at large, will recognize the sincerity, loyalty, dedication, selflessness and ambition of Senator Ajibola Basiru to represent his constituents and to give qualitative delivery via accountability and goodwill.

We want good representation, a good society and good governance which we can get from a sincere candidate, for good representation, we need SRJ and he needs us too, and thriving on the status of Senator Ajibola Basiru, he is a good choice to represent Osun Central Senatorial District and the good people of Osun at the Red Chamber in Abuja.

Abisola Ariwodola;
writes from Kola-Balogun area of Osogbo Local Government

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