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EU EOM Nigeria 2023 Meet Osun NAWOJ on Election Coverage

EU EOM Nigeria 2023 Meet Osun NAWOJ on Election Coverage 

By Abisola Ariwodola,

European Union Observation Mission Nigeria 2023, led by Long Term Observer: Annie - Lise MJAATVELDT met with the Executives of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists NAWOJ, Osun Chapter on election coverage.

At the meeting, held at NUJ Secretariat Osun Council, the Osun Chairperson of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists NAWOJ, Mrs Motunrayo Ayegbayo in her welcome remarks commended the Long Term Observers for choosing Osun NAWOJ as one of the stakeholders for their objectives.

Speaking on Osun election, media goals and challenges among other cogent matters, she acknowledged the readiness of Osun NAWOJ to collaborate with the organization to succeed in its achievables.

The EU EOM representative Anne-Lise stated that the organization is working with Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria INEC, to observe all aspects of the electoral process and assesses the extent to which the elections comply with international and regional commitment for elections as well as the laws of Nigeria.

She highlighted that the EU EOM will also observe and assess the leg of framework and its implementation the impartiality and the performance of the election administrators, the degree of an open and fairly contested campaign and camping finals, the role of state institutions on civil society, the universal franchise afforded to voters especially to women youth and vulnerable groups.

Anne-Lise listed others as conduct of the media including social media access to political parties and candidates and private media, the use of election technology process and result management system, voting, counting and tabulation as well as the announcement of result the complaint and appeal processes.

Ultimately, she pointed out the readiness of the organization to work with the media, adding that they are part of fore stakeholders during elections.

The meeting which had the Osun EU EOM representatives in attendance also had the Osun NAWOJ executives fully present.

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