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Abeokuta North And Youths Participation In Politics (Part 2)

Abeokuta North And Youths Participation In Politics (Part 2)
Politics around the world is said to be local. Every politician that aspires to reach the nadir of the game of politics knows the importance of their immediate environment. This underscores the importance of grassroot in the art of politics.

In politics, the involvement and participation of Youths cannot be overemphasized. They play vital roles in nation development. 

In this article, we shall be examining the roles of youths in Nigeria politics and we shall be focusing on Abeokuta North Local Government Area of Ogun State. The choice of Abeokuta North LGA is informed by the fact that the ratio of youth involvement in politics in that LGA is so pronounced to the extent that it attracted our attention even though we are not based in the state. We have every reasons to believe that in the near future, we shall witness another set of Abiolas, Obasanjos, Shonekans, Amosuns etc who are also all from Abeokuta North LGA.

We may not know why the LGA keeps dominating the state and national politics from the beginning up to date but what we actually know, and can state emphatically without fear of contradiction, is that the LGA is not relenting, neither is it relinquishing the dominant role it has been playing. Not even with the quality and quantity of youths that are making waves and slogging it out with the elderly in that LGA. It is only a matter of time before names like Sanni, Oluseye, Yomade Shokunle etc start filtering into our consciousness nationally.

Some of these Youths have played key roles in their different capacities as aspirants of a political party. In the first part of this article, we shall look into one of them. This man in his Youthful age have  contributed immensely to the human capacity development in the local government. Their antecedents and participation towards the progress of his political party in Abeokuta North and Ogun State at large are innumerable.

1. Hon. Sulaimon Sanni (HSS) 

Hon. Sulaimon Sanni fondly called HSS by everyone hails  from Ago Ika of Gbagura zone which is ward 7 in Abeokuta North Local Government Area of the State. He is currently a  member of Hon.Tunde Tella's Campaign Committee and member of the Ogun State APC Campaign Youth Council.

To Hon. Sanni, Politics is "a call to service". He described today's Politics as nothing to write home about due to how it is being played.

However, his focus is to bring fresh ideas that will have good impacts for a better Nigeria. His ideology about Nigeria Politics is not about Sharing the "National cake". His ambition as an aspirant for the Ogun State House of Assembly on the platform of the All Progressives Congress in 2022 primary elections was, still is, to give back to his Constituency.

Speaking about Youths' participation in politics, Hon. Sanni said he has not seen the youths being active enough in politics as they are not taking it serious. While connecting this phenomenon with the older politicians' refusal to leave positions of power. That is the mindset of these set of youthful political gladiators from Abeokuta North, when external observers are saying the ratio of youth involvement in politics is highest in the LGA vis-a-vis other LGAs, these gladiators are complaining of low youth participation. Wonderful! These people will dominate us, I can confirm, especially with this kind of mindset.

He said: "What I have to say as regards youth participation in politics is that I have not seen our youths being active in politics, they are not taking politics serious and that is more reason why the old ones are still holding the mantle.

"If we want change in governance, the youths must take up the clarion call to ensure they engage positively and actively in politics.

"Because many benefits are attached to it If our youths are ready, these are what is likely to happen in our political settings the turnaround system that will work.

"Our youth can be a creative force, a dynamic source of innovations, and they have undoubtedly, point of changing history, and create a working template for unborn generations.

"However, with my participation in Abeokuta North Politics, I observed most youths are also facing poverty, barrier to education, multiple forms of discrimination and limited employment prospects and opportunities".

Highlighting his achievements, Hon. Sanni added that he has  employed over 100 people both in his constituency, Ogun State and other states, including eastern part of the country. "One of my happiness is that I have offered some youths employment and settled many with empowerment both in my constituency and beyond." He said.

Yusuf Oketola a Journalist and Public Relations Expert writes from Osun State.

To be Continued.......

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