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Security Alert: Famodun, His Ilk Afraid Of Their Own Shadows – TOP

Security Alert: Famodun, His Ilk Afraid Of Their Own Shadows – TOP 
The leadership and followership of The Osun Progressives (TOP) are yet to get over hysterical laughter we got thrown into by a press statement issued by Prince Gboyega Famodun, the so called Chairman of our party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), concerning its content.

The said press release, from its deep and surface value, contains assumptions and imagination of a troubled mind, especially somebody who is struggling to continue to be relevant after he led the party to ruins within a space of three years. 

May we note that Famodun and his cohorts are just afraid of their own shadows and trying to blackmail genuine APC members who are in The Osun Progressives, in an attempt to divert attention from the continuous questioning of his competence as a party chairman.   

We note with disappointment that Famodun has recently avoided the concomitant issues bothering our party and dabbled into area which does concern him at all.

Famodun, for about third time now has, decided to talk on receiving security information, an area which he doesn’t have purview over or should talk about. 

We wondered if Famodun is the Chief Security Officer of the state or the one superintending over any of the security agencies in the state to whom security reports are statutorily submitted.

It makes us to be afraid of what could have been happening to our state if Famodun has suddenly become the one to issue security alerts to the citizens of Osun, or he is only foretelling what himself and his gang are out to do and rope some other people into it when their heinous crime is eventually committed. 

If there is any information or probable security disorder, the best, Famodun could do is to report to security agencies for investigation, but Famodun has decided to overtake investigation and assumed Chief Security Officer role.

In real terms, we bring to the fore, Famodun’s rigorous efforts to rope The Osun Progressives (TOP) in all of the fake and irresponsible security alerts he has vainly issued so far.

Is the Osun APC sleeping chairman and his gang of thugs and hoodlums afraid of impending repercussions of their heinous crimes against us or ultimate manifestation of karma that he is looking for all means to criminalise TOP, so that their awful deadly attacks in the past will not be visited with deserving punishment?

The Osun Progressives believes that no evil carried out by a man against another man shall go unpunished, and we know of a fact that God says he will avenge such situation through generations. The case with Famodun and his cohorts can never be different. 

We note with sense of responsibilities that Famodun and his ilk sent gun and other dangerous weapons wielding hoodlums after us 15 times across the nook and crannies of the state at the apogee of struggles to making our party re-energised and restructured. We didn’t plan to burn down the state.

The Osun Progressives notes that it is only a selfish minded person with extreme wickedness ruling his life, like Famodun, that would think that TOP could engage in such invidious action after they have actively helped our party to crash despite efforts taken to let them see reasons failed. 

We also want to note the partiality and culpability of the security agencies in Osun, as it was easy for them not to touch a single case of several inhuman treatments and acts to cause us harms reported to them with compelling evidences, but found it most easy to act on any of Governor Oyetola’s aides or associates’ frivolous allegation against us. 

Situation such as arrest and arraignment of seven of our leaders, midnight arrest, arraignment and detention of Ifelodun LG chairmen and four members of our tendency in less than 24hours and more abound.

May be it is this assured partial attitude of the Osun security agencies that Famodun is taking for granted to issue security alerts on their behalf, and we note that this is not good for a society where fairness, justice and equity works.

The hilarious part of the press release is the essence of it where Famodun or his speech writer contradicted himself, obviously throwing the whole effort into crisis of identity and or discernment thus losing value. 

The man who failed to win his unit, ward and local governments in the July 16, 2022 election is looking for a scapegoat at all cost and means of retaining the undeserved Osun APC chairmanship seat. Issuing a dude security alert seems to be part of Famodun's strategy to achieve his aim.

We note that whatever is Famodun’s antics, he is a visitor in the progressives political wing and will leave one day, no matter who is naively supporting him and we, the freeborn will take over and rebuild our inheritance like we did before.

Rev’d Lowo Adebiyi
The Osun Progressives

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