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Babayemi, Adeleke , Osun & the Conspiracy Theory

Babayemi, Adeleke , Osun & the Conspiracy Theory

By Oladiran Ojedele
That Osun State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) won the just concluded governorship election is no news; and that the PDP in the state is battling with some issues is equally an incontrovertible fact.

However, for reasons beyond rhetorics, one name that has continued to resonate the most,  in different prisms in Osun politics today,  is Omooba Dotun Babayemi.

This has become more so since after the July 16 governorship election which the PDP clinched through the resolve of the people of the state who have been bearing the brunt of misgovernance under the administration of APC.

Any good student of Osun politics, particularly the development in Osun PDP, can readily figure out the reticulation of the genesis of the party's problems and why it has continued to fester unabatedly.

The dangerous route in which Osun PDP finds itself today was avoidable because every effort made by the Babayemi's group was repudiated by the other group as they were not ready to cede anything. For them, it's winner-takes-all while the other group can go to blazes.
For about three months running, Babayemi’s group has been making genuine reconciliatory efforts, to which the other group had been dodgy and not forthcoming.

Crudely on the legal voyage currently being pursued, Babayemi has been vilified, abused and even threatened to be killed by people who feel ordinarily that he should never have ventured into seeking redress at the court with a view to authenticating his candidature.

Babayemi's derring-do is what is giving those crying over what they feel is their birthright, headache. 
Some people just want some set to be permanently subservient to them as second bananas. They want to have those they will continue to micromanage. No! This won't work.

In their paralysis of analysis, these people have kept 
second-guessing with 'Babayemi has done this', 'Babayemi has done that and; that he has been micro-cheating the PDP by illicitly romancing with the APC. 
Different conspiracy theories have been thrown up that Babayemi has been working for the APC.

Those behind this ungodly rumour forgot the fact that the Gbongan-born politician fought tooth and nail to ensure the enthronement of the PDP; he invested his time and money. 
In fact, on the eve of the election, Babayemi released about #100m across the state for the mobilization of voters. His only language to his supporters was: go and work for the victory of PDP.

Despite this, enemies would stop at nothing in maligning him that he's only masquerading for the APC. 
This is a man that has always used available opportunity to lampoon APC, the party they have always claimed in their wisdom or lack of it, as being his sponsors. It's not an abracadabra of a thing, it's an open engagement accompanied with large followers.

Regrettably in some strands, some of them have strangely labelled the Babayemi group as the "A ko ni i gba" Group (the 'We won't agree' Group). 
If one may ask: Who has been making reconciliation difficult? Is it not the Adeleke group that wants to take everything and leave others in the lurch and forlorn?

Deservedly, this may be a riposte to the ongoing tantrums, shades and innuendoes being targeted at Omooba Dotun Babayemi and those in his group, mostly populated by pillars of the party in the state. 

Something is never built on nothing and as such, in situ, Babayemi's litigation has a basis which has become the anchor upon which he has continued to build his pursuits as offered by the country's legal engagements.Nothing personal and nothing outside of that.

Babayemi's traducers have variously slammed him in their myopic and hallucinating state that he's only wasting his own time by choosing to seek justice at the law court. Pray; why are they so much bothered that he's 'wasting his time' by heading to the Supreme Court, the final arbiter in the land? Why don't they leave him alone and allow him to enjoy his 'time-wasting' which he has chosen by seeking redress at the court? Why are they fidgety and humming like bees all over the place?

If Babayemi's case does not have any merit like most of them are now saying, why then are they spilling and crying all over the place that he should withdraw from the court; and why are they begging the elders to prevail on him and why are they bombarding his phone with calls on a daily basis? Radaada!(a euphemism for radarada, a Yoruba word which means rubbish!) as coined by Funke Akindele, a popular thespian, in one of her TV series known as Jennifer Diaries.

So the Adelekes know that the elders exist? Haven't they laughed them to scorn and derision? It's the same elders the Adelekes are itching to beg Babayemi to withdraw the case presently at the Supreme Court. What has the Country home and its allies done to correct the anomaly and settle the troubled waters?
Is it not the usual winner takes all mentality?  
A case at hand is the Transition Committee formed from the Country home; how many people were included from Babayemi's group? 
We know that the leopard can NEVER change its spot and so we were not surprised. And yet, some uninformed minds among them have been skewing the narratives as if Babayemi is averse to reconciliation.

Most of these people in their debasing inconsistencies, speak from all angles of their mouth and invariably suffer from cognitive dissonance 

In Osun today, wether anybody likes it or not, politically, there's a seismic shift. This is no thanks to the high level of political consciousness of our people.
So, no amount of blackmail or pranks from any quarters, especially as represented by "emergency lawyers", hack writers and analysts, can change the tide of time. 

What more? Nobody will readily fall for their claptrap because as presently constituted, those from the Country home seem to be enjoying calling the shots from their nookery; and one can assure that it's a trip that won't last.

With the level of sophistication which Osun and its people have attained, coupled with the state's precarious situation, it has gone past having someone that would be remotely controlled or micromanaged.

Lest we all forget, at the long last, Osun shall metamorphose into a brand new entity with its people as beneficiaries. This informs why majority of indigenes have been chorusing that 'Osun maa dotun'. 
And the chorus keeps concreting by the day.

Oladiran Ojedele,
Directorate, Omooba Dotun Babayemi Campaign Organization

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