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There is no hopeless situation with God, Rep. Salam declares on Easter

Hon. Bamidele Salam 

The member representing Ede north, Ede south, Egbedore and Ejigbo federal constituency of Osun state, Representative Bamidele Salam has declared that one of the strongest lessons of the Easter season is that there is no bad condition or situation that the Almighty God can not turn around; hence the need for men and women to put their faith in him even in this trying times.

Drawing lessons from the resurrection of Jesus Christ after three days and three nights in the grave, the lawmaker said the One who raised Jesus back to life can restore ill health, broken marriages, financial distress, and all other forms of challenges individuals may be facing today.

Rep Salam enjoined Christians to live a life of faith in Christ because the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God.

While urging the church to intensify prayers for Nigeria and the world at large, the federal lawmaker reiterated the need for those in leadership positions to offer sacrificial service in emulation of Jesus Christ who made himself lowly and gave up his life in order to save humanity from sin, fear and hopelessness.

He used the occasion to enjoin the constituents to imbibe Godly values that will pave way for the development of the area and the country at large.

Rep. Salam thanked the constituents especially the Christian community for their perseverance throughout the 40 days and nights of fasting and praying.

The federal lawmaker maintained that the lessons from Easter which includes righteousness, peace, justice, love, unity and faith should be deployed into their daily activities as deliberate efforts to subdue the challenges currently facing the nation.

“The period of fasting, suffering, crucifixion, death as well as resurrection of Jesus Christ are at the core of the Christian faith which all must continuously imbibe in order to guarantee hope of eternal life, salvation and redemption.

“On the auspicious occasion of this year’s Easter, I am delighted to celebrate with all my constituents in particular and the Christian community across Nigeria in general. I enjoin all Christians to imbibe and sustain Godly values of righteousness, peace and justice.

“Equally, as we celebrate during this Easter season, I implore all my constituents to overcome evil with good deeds, love, peace and unity of purpose. This are the virtues that can bring about an assured mutual prosperity which consequently would catapult the constituency into sustainable development.

“I want to use this opportunity to call on the Christian community in our dear constituency to align themselves with the moral lessons of the period such as compassion, care, selflessness, affection, as well as service to God and fervently pray for return of peace to Nigeria”, Rep. Salam stressed.

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