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Signs Of Infertility In Men That Should Not Be Taken For Granted

Male infertility is not always due to unknown reasons. Sometimes it's due to dilated veins in the scrotum, hormonal issues and even some natural disorders they were born with, thus the need for every woman to be watchful of some signs that could be indicating that a man has fertility issues. In this article in line with a publication on Mayo Clinic, we are going to have a look at some of the signs of infertility in men that should not be taken for granted. Just sit tight and enjoy this article while learning something new. What Are The Signs Of Male Infertility That Should Not Be Ignored? 1. Pain or swelling in the scrotum. This could be due to varicocele, a condition that arises due to dilation of the veins in the testicles. Research has shown that is one of the major causes of infertility in men. 2. Problems with Copulation such as problems achieving an erection or even maintaining one, small volumes of semen being released or severely reduced urge for intimacy, all these are potential signs of infertility because they indicate that the hormones are not in perfect shape or order. 3. Abnormal growth of the breast tissues otherwise referred to as gynecomastia should also not be taken for granted. Reason being that men develop gynecomastia when the hormone, testosterone is not enough in the body or when it has become lower than the female hormone. 4. Decreased facial or body hair could be an indication of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality and as such, don't just sweep it under the carpet with the assumption that all men were created uniquely.

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