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7 Things You Must Avoid When You Become Married

People make mistakes, that's normal. But some faults or misunderstandings can put your relationship in danger if you do it constantly and in long-term, especially as a married couple. I am not saying that you shouldn't make any mistake at all, but by being aware of the common errors that you or your future spouse potentially make in your upcoming marriage, you'll learn from it and do better. After all, preparing prevention is better than a cure, isn't it? So, make sure you know what kind of behavior that you should avoid as described below: 1. If you are Man, stop flirting with girls, stop splurging your money, stop being so materialistic. If you are Woman, same applies to you too. 2. Comparing your life with others Don't compare your wealth with others, your achievement with others, your partners look with others, your partners qualities with others, your marriage with others and so on. Each relationship out there is unique. Don't try to copy what others are doing in their relationship. It might not work for you. What works for Mr. A doesn’t always work for Mr. B 3. STOP putting your parents first Because your partner is now your “top priority.”. In fact, most marriages with spouses who put their parents first in their relationship FAILS because the parents’ ideas, advices, concepts, beliefs, etc., conflicted with their marriage partners’ when they interfere or try to impose. Something worth considering is, when two people are married, they made a promise to love, respect, and cherish one another.. so to keep such promise, both has to put each other first as “top priority". 4. Avoid staring (or even glancing) at other women or men when your partner is around or in general. 5. Staying out all night, partying, behaving like a bachelor. You are now married, and soon enough you will have a family of your own, and this isn't an example you want to set for your children. 6. Killing the romance: When you're getting into marriage, it's not the end of excitement. It's the start, in many ways. Always have small surprises and gestures in handy. Plan impromptu trips, dinners, and flowers. 7. Not honouring your love: By this I mean you should never bring your spouse down or hurt her in the presence of others. Deal with problems behind closed doors, and never fight when others, even your parents, are around.

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