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Muslims, regardless of gender,age,status, position in the society or nationality must embark on Da'wah,which is a call to the way/path of Allah.

This call was made by Murtala Agboola at a lecture delivered at the As Salaam Co-operative Society, Ikirun at the weekend.

According to Agboola, Allah who created us and know us intimately knows we are prone to forgetfulness hence the need to always remind ourselves about the Almighty Allah and His ways.

He made copious reference to the Holy Quran to remind his listeners that, Allah created man and jinns only to worship Him.

This can be found in Quran 51:56.

Among other references he made was the Q 3:104 where Allah said let there arise amongst you a nation(community ) inviting to goodness, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

According to the speaker, the message to be delivered to the people is that there is only one Allah and unto Him shall we all return.

In view of this, all Muslims should trust and rely solely on Him.

Da'wah according to Agboola is more than preaching but encompasses

 the conduct and behavior of the Daa'ii( preacher).

Giving the contemporary challenges in the society, the guest speaker tasked parents to be active in the control of their offsprings.

He asked them to spend quality time with them, visit them at schools especially when they school away from home.

Also they should visit their children and wards in tertiary institutions without prior notice, he said.

Parents were reminded to be role- models to their children and sa nction their children appropriately when they go overboard.

An Association if Yahoo Mothers is a serious anathema which should be conducted, he emphasized.

Da'wah which he stressed is a life-long spiritual project should be done with knowledge, wisdom,patience perseverance and truthfulness among others.

Agboola gave example of 4 exceptional Nigerians with their conduct and examplary behavior.

They are Imam Abdullah Abubakar who saved 300 Christians who were being pursued by Fulani herdsmen on June 23 2018 in his house and mosque in Nghar village in Plateau State.

Professor Ishaq Oloyede, former Vice Chancellor, University of Ilorin, Ilorin and currently the Registrar of JAMB will always be remembered for his invaluable contribution to the development of education in Nigeria.

Late Justice Bola Babalakin was renown besides his erudition for his time consciousness.
Unlike many Nigerians, the late Gbongan-born justice of Supreme Court was prompt with time.

Late Mallam Aminu Kano, the champion of the talakawas was very frugal and truthful with public money even when he was in government.
According to the speaker, attempt made to compromise him with bribe from contract awarded was received but lodged it into the Central Bank.

When his traducers attempted to rubbish him at the Federal Executive Council under General Yakubu Gowon, he produced the teller to make them look foolish.

Conclusively, Agboola emphasized that Da'wah is meant for all Muslims and it is also a lifetime project.

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