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An Attempt To Pervert Cause Of Justice On Petition Against Osun APC Gov’norship Primary

We read with trepidation for the integrity of the APC on Monday, a news item in thenationonlineng.net and other online platforms to the extent that the appeal against the manipulated Osun APC governorship primary election has been dismissed.

The story seems an authentication of an earlier story published in few online media which had earlier broken it. And we had on Sunday issued a rebuttal to the extent that the Appeal Committee was yet to be set up yet, not to talk of sitting and deciding on the petition against the election.

However, we are not surprised on this development as it constitutes another of regular occurrence of manipulation, abuse of office and suppression of truth by Governor Gboyega Oyetola as a member of the National Caretaker and Extra Ordinary Convention Planning Committee of the All Progressives Congress.

We have always bore it with equanimity and absolute believe that the National Secretariat of APC will correct the anomaly but it seems to be an impossible task as complicity borne out of the membership of Governor Oyetola of the NCECPC of our party is the impediment.

Our submission is as a result of the similarity in the ways all our attempts to explore internal party resolution mechanisms have gone.

They were all resolved fraudulently and compromisingly in favour of Governor Oyetola who is the Vice Chairman of NCECPC of the party.

We do not want to accuse the National Secretariat of complicity but we dare say that the manner by which it responded to issues gives the impression that whatever steps taken on Osun matters were at the behest of Governor Oyetola.

Our calls that he be divested of being a member of NCECPC, which made him a referee and player in a football game was not heeded.

For this appeal matter, we put on record that Alhaji Adeoti's lawyers were at the National Secretariat to inquire about the development on the matter from Wednesday till Friday and the affirmative answer they got was that the Appeal committee was not set up yet.

It thus became a surprise to read on thenationonline.net stating authoritatively that the petition was dismissed by a named committee and the reasons why it was dismissed.

We believe that those named as committee with this inglorious act will deny it for the sake of their integrity and their essential beings, otherwise we pray karma to deal with all workers of iniquity.

So, it becomes obvious that it is Governor Oyetola's spin doctors that were directing the movie in which lawyers were told that no committee was set up while an unsigned story emerged all of a sudden to make claims to the contrary.

Ordinarily, we would have taken this in our stride as usual but we request the National Secretariat to respond to the confusion on the matter of the appeal committee, as it cast aspersions on the image of the party.

Could it be that APC internal organs has degenerated to the extent that an individual's interests can roughshod that of required standards and the generality of members?

In a firm request, we wish to be furnished with details of when the committee was constituted, its time of working and when it rounded up its sittings

Will it be right to dismiss a petition outrightly on account of not "furnishing with detailed particulars" as stated in the planted story?

In an equitable dispensation of justice, it would have been that the committee, if it sat at all, asked Alhaji Moshood Adeoti to supply them with those particulars rather than throwing away the baby with birth water.

May we ask who procured the characters they named in the story as authenticating the fraudulent primary election? It can only be Governor Oyetola who procured them.

While the APC National Secretariat has over pampered Governor Oyetola with so much impunity, it finds it easy to shave Alhaji Adeoti's head in his absence by allegedly dismissing his petition when he was never contacted that the committee has been set up. If Alhaji Adeoti, a former State Chairman of the party and Secretary to the State Government is treated with impunity this way, what chance does an ordinary member stand?

Justice would never be served in such situation and we doubt if APC headquarters will want to be burdened with a pall of injustice simply because of an individual.

We have it on good authority that date of discredited primary was shifted backward to accommodate the manipulation and impunity that will go along with it and what happened on the day of the election.

We note that the change in date was flown as a kite for close to two weeks before it was confirmed officially by Secretary of NCECPC without any rationality for it.

The latest effort was to wrap up the totality of the fraud before a new national executive who may want to be dispassionate about the issues here takes over.

It is fundamental to note that impunity can only go for a little time, when its expiration comes; it will fall like pack of cards.

Abiodun Agboola
Publicity Secretary
Osun APC

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