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Iba community rehabilitates Inisha-Iba-Iree road

After many years of neglect by the state government, the people of Iba have through communal efforts rehabilitated the Inisha-Iba road.

The effort which was coordinated and solely financed by some indigenes of the town is to make life meaningful for the residents of the town and also aid economic activities of the ancient town and its suburb.
The rehabilitation work which has given a facelift to the road, it was gathered was without any intervention of either the state or local government.

The people of the town said they resolved to rehabilitate the road when transportation became highly unbearable for them and economic activities became cumbersome.

A community leader in the town informed that "the common peasant farmers  of Iba Eburu origin in their efforts contributed from there meagre resources to repair state government road."

It would be recalled that Iba people had made several passionate calls and submissions to draw the attention of the state government, as well as the state Ministry of Works and Transport to the deplorable state of the road, which links three local government areas in the state, Odo -Otin - Ifelodun  and Boripe.  

The community leader said  it was appalling that the state government turned deaf ears to the plea and appeal of Iba people for a long time. 

He said "It is good to note that the people of Iba are part of Osun State and unfortunately, the state government failed in its bid to come to their rescue.

"The people of Iba-Eburu contribute to the progress and development of the state in a way that is not different from other towns. We are farmers; the produce from our farms contribute to the economic stability of the state. We participate, actively, in electoral process that brings leadership of the state to government house. So, what exactly is our offence that the government has neglected us in such a very despicable manner.

"Recently, the people of Iba-Eburu resulted to "Self-Help" putting the state government road in order. In this yuletide season, as always, we expect the influx of people because of the activities of events in the town.  I wonder if the state government officers passing through the road realize that the road was totally a mess and an eyesore to the dignity of the state. Now, is it not shameful that the poor peasant farmers of Iba had to contribute from their meagre income to repair state government road? 

"Further, the handwriting on the wall indicates a signal that could be interpreted as "they don't need us." This kind of attitude can have a very unpleasant repercussion in the nearest future. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. Let it not be said anywhere that the leadership of our state is discriminatory in any form whatsoever. 

 "We are a progressive people. We will do whatever we can to survive. But, the government should know we are also part of the state agenda and the apparatus that put the current government in place. No little contribution is negligible. 

"Finally, we urge the government to take up its responsibilities and stop the suffering of its subjects," he added.

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