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Osun NAWOJ Advocates End Violence Against Women Now

As the world embarks on 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Osun Chapter of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, NAWOJ has joined to add her voice to the campaign to end the challenge of violence against women and girls.

The Association declares its agreement with the theme "Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!" with the campaign that runs every year from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. 

According to the release signed by the Chairperson Mrs Motunrayo Ayegbayo and the Secretary Comrade Abisola Ariwodola, ending violence against women and girls should not be an option but a priority, as it frowned at the rate of abuse melted to women and girls in the state, country and world at large.

The release pointed out that women are always at the end tail of crisis or challenges, such as war, conflicts, pandemic, climate disasters, food insecurity, economic violence among others, this types of violence on women and girls have to end in entirety, for them to have an amiable and conducive environment to live in.

Osun NAWOJ calls on government and stakeholders to ensure gender based violence which can be prevented to end, this is as it also appreciated Osun Governor Adegboyega Oyetola for signing the Osun State Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) law into existence, through the effort of the first lady Mrs Kafayat Oyetola.

The association particularly calls on law enforcement agents and the judiciary to shun the culture of silence over gender based violence, bring to book and prosecute appropriately anyone who contravenes against the VAPP law by committing crime of gender based violence against women and girls in the society.

NAWOJ affirms that stopping this violence starts with believing survivors, adopting comprehensive and inclusive approaches that tackle the root causes, transform harmful social norms, as well as proper prosecution of violators and empowering women and girls. With survivor-centred essential services across policing, justice, health, and social sectors, and sufficient financing for the women’s rights agenda, we can end gender-based violence, the release stated.

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