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We learnt that the students of the Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun have stopped the self acclaimed NANS president, Abdulmajeed Oyeniyi from entering their campus.
It was gathered that the self acclaimed NANS president went to the campus to pay the fedpoly Ede students a courtesy visit, but the students did not welcome his visitation, they rejected him and denied him entry into their campus.
Meanwhile, all efforts to reach Oyeniyi proved abortive.
The students union of the school released a statement about their action towards the self acclaimed NANS president.
The statement reads:


Asefon Remains The Revolutionary President of National Association Of Nigerian Students (NANS).
Solidarity greetings to all conscious comrades and the ever reasonable among Nigerian students.
It is very germane to make public to the generality of the Nigerian students that the leadership of the Federal Polytechnic Ede Students’ union do not recognize and totally distance herself from a self proclaimed NANS president who claimed to have paid courtesy visit to Federal polytechnic Ede at the mid hour of today.
To the leadership of the Union and entirety of Fedpolites, the only recognized president of NANS is Comrade Sunday Adedayo Asefon whom all senators in the federation participated in his convention and emerged from the votes of the majority during the last NANS convention in Abuja.

It is as well important to state emphatically that the union strictly frowns at action of the very few students who claimed to be in support of the impersonator’s move and I want to assure the entirety of Fedpolites that they shall be made to face the fire consequence of their actions which is legally and adminstratively termed as insubordination to the students union and liable to polarise the students community.
This set of people have been observed to be pay dogs who run unreasonable errands for their master for little penny and do anything to get their dreams fulfiilled as unfortunate and desperate attention and fame seekers with a lack of mental and psychological ability to foresee the consequence of their inimical actions.

As against their media claims, the management of Federal Polytechnic Ede did not welcome this impersonators will never welcome any external students’ movement without the consent of the
Students Union Government.
Conclusively, Federal polytechnics Ede Students’ union is filled with conscious comrades that will never align themselves with any come-and-raid parading themselves as the NANS president and his cabinet for any interest whatsoever.

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