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Leaders Reject TB Joshua’s Wife As The Overseer Of SCOAN

It appears that all is not well with the family and stakeholders of the late Pastor TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, who died on Saturday, June 5, 2021, days before his 58th birthday. He passed away on June 5th, 2021 after he excused himself while preaching owing to some discomfort he…”
It appears that all is not well with the family and stakeholders of the late Pastor TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, who died on Saturday, June 5, 2021, days before his 58th birthday.
He passed away on June 5th, 2021 after he excused himself while preaching owing to some discomfort he was feeling and asked to be allowed to take a break. He entered into his private chambers to rest for a short while and that was the last time the congregation saw him alive. He was found unconscious as he slumped on a chair in the room. A couple of hours later, he was pronounced dead by doctors.

The wife, Evelyn Joshua has since continued the administration of the church and facilities amidst plans for final burial ceremony that eventually took place on Friday, July 9, 2021.
In June 27, 2021, the elders of the church met and declared Evelyn the successor to the late televangelist. A top aide of the late cleric was also quoted as saying, “Someone must take charge immediately and give spiritual direction on the mode of service continuity. So much spiritual and financial effort went into building SCOAN and it cannot just waste away (sic).”

A close source from the church also disclosed that Evelyn has been serving as the second-in-command to her husband before his death earlier this month, performing the role of a preacher and offering counselling to church members. 
However just a few days before the burial week, the stakeholders of the church took a U-turn and debunked the news that Mrs Evelyn will be taking over the affairs of the church after her husband.

Dr Gary Tonge Freng who spoke on behalf of the church, claimed no one has been appointed to lead the affairs of the church at the moment.
On if there is someone in the church to take over the miracles performed by the late tele-evangelist, Freng said that the decision is a spiritual matter and not an administrative one.
“It’s not about machinery. It is about suitable people, and it’s about the move of the Holy Spirit. So there is simply no administrative answer to the question because it is not an administrative issue”, he told City People.

The decision of who will assume the role of General Overseer, according to another source will be a unanimous decision of a cabal within the church referred to as the 5 wisemen.


The 5 wise men are the prophet’s sons who were profoundly influenced by T.B. Joshua. Those who have heard them preach or see them show God’s power can know where the grace comes from. Despite the fact that they were released by the prophet and are having an effect in their respective communities, they owe their lives to T.B Joshua and remain devoted to him.
Under T.B.’s supervision, the 5 wise men all served as pastors in SCOAN. Joshua was imprisoned for a long time; one of the Wise Men is said to have served for eight years before being released.

The wise men’s names are Wise Man 1.Racine, 2.Wise Man John Chi, 3.Wise Man Harry, 4.Wise Man Daniel, and 5. Wise Man Christopher, in no particular sequence. Although it may be difficult, these men have a strong desire to carry on their father’s legacy and step in his footsteps.

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