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HFDI Gives Training to Health Workers on second dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine

Towards eradicating Poliomyelitis and polio end-game strategy, Hope for Family Development Initiative (HFDI) in a 2-day capacity building training as one of the State Senior Supervisor (SSS) gave training to health workers on the Introduction of second dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV2) at Ayedire and, Iwo local government area of Osun State.

The training objectives was to refresh the health workers' knowledge particularly the Routine Immunization Officer (RIO) and Immunization Officer-in-charge (OIC) on; Poliomyelitis and polio end-game strategy, Proper handling of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) and its safe administration and Estimation of IPV1 and IPV2 coverage, documentation of IPV1 and IPV2 vaccination on the existing data tools and reporting as well as investigation of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFIs).

According to the HFDI Human Resources Manager, Mr John Akinpelu, the training also featured increasing coverage and decreasing drop-out rates through good Interpersonal Communication (IPC) skills and communication with the community about Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) and Immunization in general.

He said that the output of the capacity building training consisted of 8 facilitators, 22 Routine Immunization Officer (RIO) and 22 Immunization Officer-in-charge (OIC).
Cross section of participants during the training
Participants through the training organized by Hope for Family Development Initiative (HFDI) were able to cite key facts about Wild Polio Virus (WPV) and diseases, transmission, symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

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