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Alimi's Suspension Condemnable, Unconstitutional - Adebiyi, Former APC Chairman

A former Chairman of the All Progressives Congress in the State of Osun, Reverend Adelowo Adebiyi has averred that the suspension of Barr. Kolapo Alimi from APC by the party's executive in his Ward could not hold. Rev. Adelowo
Adelowo stated that action of the APC ward executive members is condemnable, saying that their action is in flagrant abuse of the Constitution of the party laid down procedure for punishing any erring members of the party. 

The former APC Chairman spoke in a telephone interview with Our Reporter on Saturday. 

He said, "On the suspension of Barr. Kolapo Alimi, as a former chairman of the APC, the action is condemnable and unwarranted. Article 21 of the APC constitution points out procedure for sanctioning a party member. The constitution emphasizes fair hearing in punishing any member that has erred. But these people didn't follow the constitution in carrying out the purported suspension. 

"That is why TOP (The Osun Progressives) is emphasising that there should be due management of the party in Osun state. 

"The procedure of suspending any erring member according to Section 21 of the party constitution is that such person must be given fair hearing by the executive members and the decision of the party at the Ward must be passed to local Government and to the state before it could be made public. 

"But the action of the ward executive -suspending a leader of the party, is unwarranted and condemnable. I believe that the action should be condemned by all party leaders. 

"The present executive of the party should embark on true reconciliation instead of  suspension, using unnecessary disciplinary action against their perceived opponent within the party. The suspension should be reviewed and the ward executives of the party should be tutored on how to manage crisis and the constitution of the party".

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