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9th Senate passed impactful legislation..... Braces self for optimized performance in years ahead

The 9th Senate of the National Assembly has discharged its duties creditably by making impactful contributions in the area of law making, oversight and monitoring functions as well as confirmation of appointments.

This is as it reels out its activities to mark 2 years in the Senate with various legislation that impact on the lives of the people for lawmaking and good governance in Nigeria.

Also, the hallowed chamber headed by the Senate President, Dr. Ahmed Lawan has braced itself to optimize performance in upcoming years in the interest of the citizens of the country, through its legislative duties.

The Senate Spokesperson, Senator Ajibola Basiru made this known at the Senate sitting at the Assembly to mark the 2 years anniversary of the 9th assembly. He said, the Senate is in place to make laws for good governance of the society according to the section 4 of the Nigerian 1999 constitution as amended.

He mentioned that despite challenges and without fear of equivocation, the passing of Appropriation Act, Medium Term Expenditure framework, bulk of financial institution act which has not been touched for decades, the Police Amendment Act and others impacted lives of Nigerians.

In the area of oversight functions, Senator Basiru said the various Committees in the Senate have collaborated with the Executives to avoid inefficiency and ensure that Nigerian people have the value for their money. He averred that the effort of the Senate in expanding the implementation of the capital aspect of the 2020 appropriation saved the country from lots of wastages, and ensured efficiency.

He also pointed out that in the area of confirmation of appointments, the Senate have rejected some nominees who lack the statutory pre-requisite or constitutional provisions for the post.

Senator Basiru, the Chairman Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs stressed that Nigerians are anticipating the National Assembly to make Constitution amendment not just a ceremony but something fundamental and impactful in realizing devolution of powers  and restructuring of governance in efficient and effective way that will promote good governance, welfare and security of the people.

He pointed out that Nigerians are expecting the Senate to come up with Electoral Act that would ensure transparency and integrity in leadership production system in Nigeria, stressing that the Petroleum Industry Bill is also a subject matter of urgent public importance.

He maintained that the Senate should intensify efforts on legislation and activities that would ensure that youths are gainfully employed, to make the production sector really productive for growth of the economy.

Speaking on security, Senator Ajibola Basiru said, public perception of the Legislative and the Executive arms must be of concern. He stated that more must be done by the Senate to deliver qualitative legislation to the citizens. He added that intervention for real infrastructure and productive activities must be embarked upon by the Senate to justify the peoples mandate and for the prosperous future of the country.

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