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WPFD: Be Resolute and Responsible -Osun NUJ Charges Journalists

The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Osun  State Council, has urged journalists to continue to work hard in their quest to hold government accountable to the people.
It also charged them to continuously  ensure that the right of the public to access information  is protected, as the world marks 2020 World Press Freedom Day. 

The union further  challenged newsmen to be resolute and responsible in the course of discharging   their duties despite daunting challenges hindering freedom of press,  saying any society that lost vibrant media has lost integral part of democracy at the peril of sustainable development and growth . 

This was contained in a statement signed by the Chairman of the council,  Kehinde Ayantunji and the Secretary, Bukola Elufadejin,  expressing  concerns  about prevailing harassment,  intimidation and incarceration  of journalists in Nigeria despite 21 years of uninterrupted democracy.

It therefore called on all democratic institutions,  particularly judiciary to rise in support of free press for a prosperous and sustainable democracy. 

The union , while reflecting on the theme of this year world press freedom day " Journalism without fear or favour " urged members to always practice ethical journalisim by upholding integrity and public interest above any other consideration.  

" We salute the courage, doggedness  and perseverance displayed by  journalists in Nigeria in the face of social, political and economic challenges.

"As  the conscience of the society, we have no choice  than to double our efforts  with responsible journalisim as a way of  making  life more abundant for the people.

"The economic and working condition of journalists in Nigeria is no doubt worrisome  and utterly discouraging, however, our resolute to promote good governance and development should be practivally unshakeable, knowing fully well that journalism is a public trust."   

The council, while using the 2020 world press freedom day  to call for an end to all forms of harassment against Journalists  also demanded for the release of journalists,   who are currently in detention in the course of performing their constitutional obligation. 

It also demanded better pay for media practitioners to enhance their capacity and ensure  decent living standard.

It then called on its members to take all precautionary measures in the coverage of Covid-19 pandemic,  as it demanded life insurance for journalists in line with what is applicable to  health workers involved in the fight aginst dreaded Coronavirus.

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