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HFDI distributes Vitamin A, Albendazole to Community in Osun state

Hope for Family Development Initiative HFDI aimed at ensuring good health for vulnerable in the society, particularly women and children distributed Vitamin A to Communities in the State of Osun through its outreach program.
This was done in Asunmo community in Ede North LGA to a target group of pregnant women, GP and Under 5 Children with malnutrition status. 

The non governmental organization led to the community by the state Program Officer, David Amoto aside the distributed Vitamin Angel to pregnant & lactating mothers, also distributed Abendazol, and nutrition supplement was also given to the community member present. 

The HFDI Team similarly sensitized the community members on personal hygiene, cautioned them on the practice of female circumcision being that they stand as one of the highest community with such practice in Osun State. 
Total number of 140 participants comprising of 103 Female, and 37 male benefited in the collection of Vitamin A which is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system, and for good vision, and Albendazole for treatment of a variety of parasitic worm infestations. 
HFDI having distributed Nutritional supplements which are dietary supplement intended to provide nutrients, also donated the drugs to the Primary Health Care Center situated in the community.

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