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NGO helps vulnerables in Akwa-Ibom, rescues PLHIV others

A non governmental Organization known as Hope for Family Development Initiative HFDI has intervened through its  Systems Transformed for Empowered Action and Enabling Responses for Vulnerable Children and Families
(STEER) projects in issues affecting vulnerables in some local governments in Akwa-Ibom State.
This is as HFDI rescued Goodnews Christopher, a 17 years old girl, living with HIV, who was raped and left with unwanted pregnancy, an offense which made her father to excommunicate her from the family. 
The Executive Director Hope for Family Development Initiative, Mr Aremu Stephen Akinyele on being aware of the situation, located Goodnews, who had given birth by then, took her to her father and reconciled the duo, just as he also assisted with basic amenities needed for daily survival.
 Mr Christopher, Goodnews father and his daughter are happy at being reunited as 17 years old Goodnews and her little child of 6 months old were offered food supply, Long Lasting Insecticides Nets, clothing and shoes, and are living happily in a better house with care and love from her family members. 
Also in Ikono area of Akwa-Ibom State, Godspower Ezekiel a twelve year old boy is one of the enrolled Beneficiaries who was identified by the Hope for Family Development Initiative, Community Case Management Workers (CCMWs).
It was discovered during assessment that Godspower who was living with his aged grandmother has been out of school since year 2017 after his Primary School education because Grandmother couldn't afford the requirements for school enrollment to JSS1 and there was no body to help.
Hope for family development Initiative took up Godspower case and got him enrolled into Ikono People's High School. The Principal of the school, Mr Effiong Akpan Essenowo appreciated the organization for helping out with the needy in the society, adding that the government cannot do it alone. Godspower Ezekiel resumed JSS1 in Ikono high school with all the necessary and needed materials.  
Similarly in Ndon Ibotio if Mkpat Enin local government if Akwa-Ibom, Utibe Samuel, a two years old reactive boy was found to be severely malnourished, his MUAC reading was red with 10.5 cm and his weight was 7kg as at the first contact. 
Hope for Family Development Initiative intervened by getting baby boy admitted at the Primary Health care center where he was placed on Ready to Use therapeutic Food (RUTF) for about two weeks, after which Utibe weighed 10kg in week one and 12cm respectively after 2 weeks. 
This according to the HFDI Executive Director is a drastic improvement in the nutritional status of the child, who has continued to improve after the health intervention.

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