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Governor Oyetola Prioritizes The Needs Of Osun People

By Bisola Ariwodola.

Osun state governor, Mr. Gboyega Oyetola in its bid of running an all-inclusive government has prioritized the needs of the people in the state through Osun citizens’ needs assessment and state development plan conducted in 31 local governments area of the state, through Department for International Development- Partnership to Engage Reform and Learn (DFID-PERL) and Dawn Commission.

The Osun Citizens Needs Assessment presentation to the Governor, held at the Exco Chamber of the Governors’ office, identified Agriculture/Agribusiness, Infrastructures, Economy, Environment, Human Capital Development, Governance and Internally Generated Revenue (IGR), as well as Youth and Development as its major citizens needs in the present administration.Governor Gboyega Oyetola being presented Citizens Need Assessment by DFID South-West manager, Mr Ukagu.

Governor Gboyega Oyetola who appreciated the bodies for partnering the state, described the needs as key needs with interventions requested from his government by the people during his thank you tour, added that scarce resources will be needed in taking care of Osun people through the integration of his manifesto and state development plan, targeted towards giving a better life to Osun citizenry.

‘I believe that government is actually for the people, I believe in an inclusive participatory governance. When people buy into what you are doing, they take ownership and you won’t have serious problem telling them what you have done, because they know what you are doing, and it’s a way of assuring them that you are for them’.

He appreciated the bodies for being constructive about the peoples’ views and needs, which differs from the previous style of prediction of needs by former governments, adding that their recommendations which included integrating the Osun citizens demands into the state planning and policy development implementation framework, as well as establishing and strengthening platforms for regular feedbacks from the citizens speak loudly on the citizens needs.

‘I have the privilege of having the entourage of the royal father from Modakeke, and they were listing some roads that they believe should be reconstructed and delivered to them in the community, and that is the way it should go, you can then adequately look at the scarce resources in the state to take care of the needs of the people’.

Speaking further, Governor Oyetola who emphasized that measuring performance and building trust with citizens through fiscal transparency and accountability is proof of good governance, remarked on the committee’s recommendation on Internally Generated Revenue, saying the state is willing to work and increase on it, while adding that each communities support in creating and utilizing their Internally Generated Revenue will boost the government.

‘I am glad you are very constructive in your report, telling us what people say about certain things, which is good. The government is committed to the people and its needs. The IGR is a major thing we are all worried about and we are glad you recognize it and asked that it be increased’.

‘I just believe they will have the willingness to support it, but the fact that they are conscious of it, the fact that they know that it is important for them to support government to be able to deliver on what its promised to do, means that is enough for us, as there is a change of attitude that that the people knows what is expected by the government from them’.

The Department for International Development (DFID) South West Manager, Mr David Ukagu in his presentation commended Governor Gboyega Oyetola for being sincere and committed to the welfare of Osun people by sourcing ways to make life easy for them through his government.

He added that the project which has made Osun a role model to other states in the country with the communities needs assessment gathered from all the federal constituency in the state will be consolidated and reflected in year 2020 budget, with its clusters on women, children, youths, persons with disabilities among others.

Governor Gboyega Oyetola in a group photograph with top government functionaries and members of DFID and DAWN Commission after the meeting. 

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