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Customs raises alarm over fake tomato Paste

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has raised an alarm on expired and low-quality tomato paste currently in circulation across the country. In a memo to various agencies signed by DCG (Tariff & Trade Department), TM Isa, the NCS said instead of the brix 27-29 recommended, brix 20-22 was allegedly imported into the country by MTV Investment Limited. The Customs also urged other government agencies to effectively collaborate with it to contain the menace said to be a poison in disguise.  “It has been reported that six containers of expired and low quality Iranian tomato paste, Shirin Asal my Tomato with brix 20-22 instead of the recommended brix 27-29, have been imported into the country by M.T.V investment limited. Consumption of the paste is said to be harmful to human health. Consequently, all CACs are directed to put appropriate mechanism in place to debar entry of the said paste and liaise with relevant agencies to forestall distribution and consumption,” it said.

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