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Snakes force President George Weah out of office

The presidential residence of President George Weah of Liberia has been temporarily abandoned - This is as the building was discovered to have been infested with snakes - A presidential media aide, Toby Smith, said that the building will be thoroughly fumigated and that all the staff are to stay away from the premises until Monday, April 22 The office of the president of Liberia, George Weah, has been infested with snakes, a situation that has forced him to temporarily abandon his official villa and work from his private residence. Smith Toby, a presidential press secretary, revealed that two black snakes were found in the foreign affairs ministry building. According to him, all the staff are to stay away from the premises until Monday, April 22, BBC reports. Toby said: “It’s just to make sure that crawling and creeping things get fumigated from the building. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts the office of the president, so it did an internal memo asking the staff to stay home while they do the fumigation. “The snakes were never killed. There was a little hole somewhere [through which] they made their way back.” Toby further disclosed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, April 19, began thorough fumigation of the building. “That building’s been there for years now, and [because of] the drainage system, the possibility of having things like snakes crawling in that building was high,” he said. "The president is definitely returning to his official office on Monday after the fumigation whether or not the snakes are found and killed." Meanwhile, Legit.ng reported that Weah launched a housing program for rural dwellers known as the Sasstown development project targeted toward a better living environment. The former World best footballer took to his official social media page to make the announcement on Sunday, March 3.

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