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Adeboye speaks on miracles at RCCG Holy Ghost Congress

Adeboye speaks on miracles at RCCG Holy Ghost Congress

December 7, 2017Bisi Daniels

The general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, Enoch Adeboye.

The general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, Enoch Adeboye, excited many by devoting the last item on the programme of the second day of the ongoing 2017 Holy Ghost Congress of the church to healing.

From his own account, he himself was excited about it. He said he had been attending to people after the programme of the first day up till 2 a.m. on Tuesday and had wanted to catch some sleep but God would not let him because He (God) wanted him to pray.

He said he got out if his house and as he walked around the Redemption Camp that night praying, God promised repeatedly, “I will heal, I will heal.” Apparently God did.

At the end of the special congregational prayers with seven prayer points on Tuesday to close the session, when Mr. Adeboye asked those who believed they had received the touch of God in their bodies to sing and dance to the altar ‎in praise of God, thousands of people, including some who lifted their clutches to show they no longer needed them, flooded out.

Excited by the work of God, he picked up his tambourine and joined in the singing, a broad smile on his face. The scene was so moving that he asked the band to play for two additional minutes for praise singing and dancing to continue.

He had started his ministration, titled “Victory over sicknesses and diseases,” by correcting the impression that God is preoccupied with the love for the soul and spirit of humans and was less concerned about the body – the third part of individuals.

Citing several Bible passages, he showed that the body is God’s and the temple of the Holy Spirit, so He (God) is concerned about how it is kept.

“God is interested in your body; the devil is happy to know you think your body does not belong to God, so the he can use it against you and your relationship with God,” Pastor Adeboye warned, stressing that the whole human body belongs to God.

Explaining that humans’ responsibility to the body is to be careful how they use it, he stated that the reasons many Christians are sick today is that they don’t realise their bodies belong to God.

He reminded the congregation about how the involvement of the body in sinful acts attracts illnesses directly and through spiritual afflictions.

Even for people in the congregation, who may have been feeling that there was nothing wrong with their bodies, he cautioned that some diseases could be hidden for years before they manifest.

Preparing the congregation for the healing prayers he shared 10 reasons why they should believe they would be healed:

· It is God who made you; He is the potter and you are the clay, which could be moulded at any point in your life.

”God is able to handle even genetic issues in your family, to heal you from problems you have inherited from your family line. He knew you before you were formed so it doesn’t matter where your problem started from.

”By joining the God’s family, you now belong to another family under His direct care, and where there is no disease.”

He shared a testimony of a lady who was bedwetting for 33 years until she joined the God family.

“A sister once came to us. She said, ‘I am 33 years old, I am married, I have three children but I am still bedwetting.’

”She lived with that horrible secret. Every night she would wake up to find her bed wet. I asked her, ‘But why haven’t you done something about it?’

”And she said, ‘Ah, I have been to many doctors and have spent a fortune, but the problem still remains. But I have made inquiries and discovered that my mother had the same problem; my grandmother had the same problem, all my sisters have the same problem.’

”With that I knew it was not an ordinary case. And so I asked her, “What happened? And she responded, ‘I discovered that my great grandmother offended somebody and the fellow pronounced a curse on her family and said every lady born into her family throughout their lives would wet the bed.

”There was a beautiful lady who was not even born when her great grandmother quarrelled with somebody else. But because of a curse that had been pronounced on the family, she was suffering.

”She surrendered her life to Jesus, we prayed a simple prayer and she left. The following day, she was back excited. ‘Sister, what is the problem?’ I asked.

“No, no, no problem anymore.” She said that for the first time in 33 years, she woke up and the bed was dry.”

· He handles cases even doctors give up on;

· Many illnesses are the result of sin but God is able to forgive sin and heal in cases caused by sin;

· God is sovereign, gracious and merciful; full of compassion;

· He hears and answers prayers;

· God needs you to be strong and healthy to serve Him;

· For those who had been disappointed before, God would not disappoint them;

· And for those who didn’t have enough faith, other members of the congregation would join faith with them during the general prayers and;

· God love you and wants you to live.

Mr. Adeboye promised the congregation it was a special night they would not forget in a hurry. From the experience of many people, it indeed was.

Earlier, he had announced to the jubilation of the congregation that as at 5p.m., 10 babies – seven boys and three girls – had been born at the church’s medical facility at the Redemption Camp.

Before he took his turn, an apostle, Tudor Bismarck, from Zimbabwe ministered on the “Songs of Joy.”

After him, another pastor, Taiwo Odukoya, noted for his bouncing energy around the stage when preaching, led a power prayer session, prophesying that people in the congregation would hear a word that would turn their lives around.

In attendance that night were several guests from around the world. These included the Chief Justice of South Africa and his wife, a delegation of 21 from Indonesia, a delegation of four from the Philippines; three from Northern Ireland; and pastors from Swaziland, Switzerland, UK, the United States, and other countries.

Much earlier in the afternoon, talk sessions had been held on: identifying and operating a profitable retail business; small scale vegetable farming; and the ABC of personal & family security.

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