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Ajegunle New Excutives Begins With Prayer.

The newly Excutives Cometee of Ajegunle Market Association in Osogbo held a general prayer for all market women and men in the market.
The prayer was organised to usher in new Excutives members in the market, the progress is two in one where Pastors and Islamic clerics where invited to help them seek the face of God . Both prechears advices all market men and women in the market to stay away from feltish things that they should first seek the face of God in whatever they want to do and they should put there trust in God. The chairman of newly Excutives Cometee, Alhaji Azeez Kamorudeen also advise his Excutives​ member that to be loyal to each other and stay away from side talking and they should have it in mind that they are all one . On the same note vice-Chairman Alhaji Rasheed Adebisi also advise every market men and women in the Market to be United and they should be a good ambersadour of the market.

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